Subj: Space Science CD-ROM Info 91-01-14 21:18:48 EST
From: Granger
File: Space Science CD Info (6184 bytes)
DL time (2400 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 93
AUTHOR: Mark Granger
NEEDS: Text reader (AOL software will do fine)
LIBRARY: MGR:Forum Text Files (17199)
Keywords: Space Mission Data Boulder University of Colorado JPL Text
This is a text file describing a set of Space Science CD-ROMs which is published by JPL and the University of Colorado at Boulder. The set consits of 10 CD-ROMs containing a wealth of images and data from the Voyager space probes and one disk of all kinds of great miscellaneous data and images. The entire set costs $90 including shipping and comes in jewel cases.
Mac Graphic Arts & CAD Forum Libraries. Go keyword MGR. c
I was recently told that JPL was publishing much of its space mission data on CD-ROM. I ordered the disks from the address I was given and received my order after about three weeks.
The following information arrived with my 10 CD-ROMs. The data on the CD-ROMs is exactly as advertised. Source code is provided on the CDs which can decompress the images. The software provided works but is not very automatic since it was developed for other purposes. Three applications were included on the single 800K floppy:
MacDecomp decompresses the 800x800x8 images into a raw data file. It includes C source code.
NIH Image 1.26 is the main image processing application. It can open the raw data files converted by MacDecomp, but they must be imported as raw data. I have not yet been able to make it see the headder included with the file.
Pixel Pusher can read, change palettes, stretch and zoom the raw images. The results can be saved as PICT files and printed.
The best disk of the sets is the second volume of the Space Science Samplers. It includes all kinds of great data including the altitude data for Los Angeles and a large meteorite crater in Canada.
I highly recomend purchasing the entire 10 disk set since it only costs $90, including shipping, and contains lots of great data. The disks do come in CD cases (yea!). I don't know of a better CD-ROM value available anywhere. JPL plans to publish much more of its data if these CD-ROM sets are poplular so please pass this file on and upload it to your local BBS systems.
Space Science CD-ROMs from the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Bolder
The University of Colorado is pleased to make available NASA Space Science CD-ROMs to the general public. Two CD-ROM disk sets are available now:
Space Science Samplers
This set consists of two CD-ROM volumes. The first volume has 800 of the best images of Uranus from Voyager 2, including all of the images of Uranus's rings and moons. The second volume contains 1,400 files of space and earth science data, including a sampling of Voyager and Viking images, data on the earth's oceans, and data on comets.
Voyagers to Outer Planets
Eight CD-ROM volumes containing over 16,000 Voyager images of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. These are the raw images from the Voyager cameras: no enhancement has been performed. Each image is recorded twice: once at full resolution (800 pixels by 800 scan lines by 8 bits/pixel) but in a compressed format; and the second time in uncompressed format at reduced resolution (200 x 200 x 8) for easy display. Software to decompress the compressed images is included on the disks.
The Details
These CD-ROM volumes can be played on any CD-ROM disk player. They conform to the ISO 9660 standard for volume, directory and file format, except for the Space Science Sampler Volume 1 which conforms to the older High Sierra CD-ROM standard. The volumes can be read on any computer that has software for reading High Sierra/ISO 9660 formatted disks. Microsoft's CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX) software provides ISO 9660/High Sierra support for computers operating under MS-DOS. MSCDEX is available from computer dealers for less than $100. Apple CD-ROM software for reading ISO 9660/High Sierra formatted disks on Macintosh computers is available from Apple computer dealers.
The images and the non-image datasets on the disks are stored in simple binary files. Information about the file formats is included on each disk. With each order we provide image display software for IBM PC, PS/2 or Apple Macintosh II computers. System requirements for the display programs are as follows:
IBM PC or PS/2 computers and compatibles: MS-DOS Version 3.1 or later, MSCDEX software Version 2.0 or later, and EGA or VGA monitor.
Apple Macintosh II computers: Macintosh CD-ROM software, minimum 2 megabytes of memory (preferably 4 megabytes), and 8-bit display.
To order, send in the accompanying order form. Please allow three weeks for delivery. We'll put you on our mailing list and keep you informed of future offers.
Space Science CD-ROMs Order Form
The price of each CD-ROM set includes documentation and image display software for your choice of:
IBM PC-AT and compatibles - distributed on 5.25 inch HD diskette
IBM PS/2 and compatibles - distributed on 3.5-inch HD diskette
Apple Macintosh II - distributed on 3.5-inch DD diskette
Additional software kits can be ordered by filling in the software section below. There is no shipping and handling charge for orders delivered within the U.S. For orders outside the U.S., please include $10 per disk set for shipping and handling.
CD-ROM Disk Sets Indicate Number of CD-ROM Sets With Software For: